Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Whassssssuuuuuuppppp?!!! I've been sooo busy!

Wow, I cannot believe it's been a month and a half since I've posted to my blog! Daily life with three kids is getting the better of me, between kids' medical appointments, kids sick, pre-school, special classes at our house, and then my birthday and a week with my in-laws here..... have I missed anything?!!! I have managed to make a few cards. I have been back to my ol' standby favorite, Penny Black Hedgies!!! Hope you like them... I'll be posting some new Bellas soon! Just received my news ones... Yogabella, Booboobella and Tinkerbella! Can't wait to play with my new Bellas and all my goodies from my Bella Sistah (see picture attached!) Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Susan said...

I've missed you, but after reading this, you've been busy. I have no children, but I do enjoy, occassionally, going away wth the girls. All women need some down time, away from home. You love what you've left behind, when you return!I'm enjoying your updates.